
Showing posts from February, 2021

Illustrator Tutorials This tutorial was pretty straight forward. I understand how to use most of the basic tools showed in this video, however I can see myself having trouble with editing using the keyboard keys. I like this tutorial, because I like drawing on paper and the transfer process seems simple. I feel like I have a better understanding of the pen tool, which will be useful. I will probably refer back to this video. I believe I will be using the pen tool a lot in my projects. This tutorial goes in depth explaining the pen tool, which I like.


      I created this piece in Dreamweaver using codes. I've been inspired by basic shapes recently, but my main inspiration behind this piece was life and cells. Plant cells and animal cells are pretty different and I wanted to represent this by using cool or warm colors. Although cells are random and uncontrollable, I wanted to present them in a linear, geometric way to give it more of an abstract feel, without being too crazy.     A separate piece that inspired me to do this is Negative Optic Electric Force, Positive Optic Electric Force, by Alfred Jenson. The mathematical gestures are appealing to look at, which I tried to incorporate in my own piece. I also like the varying colors used. I wanted to add lines, as well as a gradient background, to add more movement and depth to the piece. My code: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title> -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- </title> <!-- import ...